
National Elections? What's the deal?

We’ve all dreamed of having a better country for our children to live in. A better place without war and corruption, without trouble and all the hardships of life. And we ask ourselves, why hasn’t our government done anything to ensure our futures improvement and make it a better country to live in? We still face major problems like prejudice and famine, and trouble in our economy is still rising. War against terrorism is still ongoing and doesn’t look like it will stop anytime soon. We ask ourselves, can a life without all these problems be possible? Can it be achieved within our life time? And what will it take to get rid of these troubles in the future?

We often turn to the government for these answers. We have been so dependent on them that we have forgotten who makes the real decisions to make our country better. It is us, the people, who decides what is good for our future. We decide how we change things and what needs to be done to do it. Through the highest position in the government, the president, we decide what to do in order to protect our future. But our people have forgotten that it is we who decide who the president should be, not the government. Our votes in the national election determine what our future will be. In short, it is our votes that can change the way our country works. By voting for our president, we do not just decide who our leader will be, but we also decide what kind of future we will have for our children.

Most often we get the idea that one vote, our vote, will not make a difference to the national elections. Maybe it is true, but can you imagine if all of our people think like that? We have forgotten how important one vote can be. We all get the feeling that our votes will not change anything. Even I feel that way sometimes. But we must remember that we all have the privilege to decide who our president becomes. And by that privilege, we have the responsibility to make sure that we do the right thing by voting for the right candidate to be our president. Because it is through our votes that we can change our future and make it a batter place. We must remember that the president is the highest position in our government and that person can do what he/she feels is right for our country. And only through our votes can a candidate become our president, so it is very important that we make the right choice and choose the right person to lead us.

So maybe if we stop complaining about how our country is not doing anything to help us and blame each other for the cause, we can realize that it is our own fault that we are having a hard time. The government is not the reason our future isn’t looking very bright, we are. Because we chose a person for his looks and fame, and we voted for someone just because his slogan says that he is about helping the underprivileged, we have suffered the consequences that came along with it. We have failed to see a candidate for his/her talent and abilities as a leader and instead have voted for someone because of his fame and reputation. We must all learn from these mistakes if we are to have someone worthy to be our president. Remember that if our government is doing a terrible job protecting us and is still filled with corruption, don’t blame the president. We only have ourselves to blame because it is we who decided that that person be our leader. So a few tips to remember before voting in the next elections – look for someone who truly cares about our country and wants to help it, not just any person because of his/her popularity in the media.

Written by:
Dodge Melicor

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

YEAH! Citizens voting for the wrong people/leaders isn't doing the country any good.